I waited but for a short interval, when the door was opened, this time by the provider herself, blonde, in her late thirties, wearing a fur-coat, and evidently with little underneath . She was all smiles and concerns as she hugged me and welcomed me in, Subdued sexy music was wafting in the chamber and the air felt already tingling. I quickly took out the required fee, and she took it quitely and showed my the shower. I then emerged after wrapping myself in a towel. I stepped into the massage parlor and was greeted by her fabulous appearance without her coat, her shoulder length blond hair resting upon her white bare shoulders, her voluptuous frame but for a strapless black corset, black hose and harnesses outlining her legs, and no panties, her blonde petit bush winking at me. Our reciprocrated seduction soon turned us away from the planned tantric massage into a full service session, with multiple positions, three pops that I didn’t expect I had in me. She is amazing!
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