Dave´s last close protection job had been looking after a posh dick head actor who had hit sudden fame at the age of thirty playing a teenager in a series of crap films about a vampire falling in love with a human girl. The fact that the role required a huge amount of pancake white make up was really fortunate, because by the time the film series ended the lead actor was neaer to thirty five than eighteen. And the make up also hid the fact that he was pissed and off his head on Andean powdered stimulation most of the time. Anyway, the upshot was that while he got the job done and took care of his unprincipled principal, Dave had spent more time and effort making sure that his face never appeared in any photographs. Always be the grey man. That was the rule. So the paparazzi got photos of his arm, the back of his head and his hand. Which counted as a win, really.
The worst part of the job – and the most difficult really, was dealing with the little tossers massive appetite for bookings with the sexiest escorts Madrid had to offer. Actually, Dave was quite impressed that his client was actually able to manage to function with the working girls given the amount of Peru´s own that he was shovelling up his nose until he found a bumper size party bag of blue pills on the bedside table one morning. Viagra and cocaine – pretty much every sex worker regarded it as the Devils Brew. Ego that makes you think you can screw anyone all night, a never ending hard on that means you can, and a total inability to have an orgasm. All of which meant that this blood sucking actor just kept shagging and shagging until something broke or the poor girl taking the hammering managed to distract him with somethig shiny.
During the days he was either listening to the actor sleep or screw, or ignoring him act on set. The hours when his cover took over were sleep filled paradise before the tedium began again. When the gig ended yesterday after three months he felt like he had finished sentence. So the last thing he needed now was to roll straight into another job.
“So what is this job that is so weird that only I am suited for it?”
“Its a solo gig, some travel, low profile Principal. No paparazzi, film sets or any of that.”